Hollywood Commerical District Streetscape

A Linear Transformation

College Park, MD


City of College Park


Kittelson & Associates, Mead & Hunt, Wallace Montgomery


$2.6 Million


Green Infrastructure Planting Design, Vegetative Analysis / Landscape Health Assessment , Construction Administration / Inspections, Multimodal Design, Community Engagement, In-Person , Downtown Improvement / Streetscape Planning (Revitalization), Placemaking

To enhance commercial potential, strengthen social and physical health, and improve environmental performance Floura Teeter developed a revitalization plan for this urban corridor; tangible solutions included increased pedestrian safety, social gathering spaces, pedestrian and bike access, integrated stormwater management, and placemaking features.

Plan view of Hollywood Streetscape

Design Themes

Thematic overlays of EcoDistrict, Wellness, and Active Design provided guidance to the redevelopment plan that fits both the existing character of the District and its vision for the future: EcoDistrict and sustainability priorities overlap with Wellness and Active Design strategies. Wellness is promoted on both a personal and environmental scale. Active Design focuses on improved connectivity to encourage safe options for alternative modes of transportation.

Project Context Map Community Meeting Hollywood Streetscape perspective with bench Axion View of Hollywood Streetscape

A new linear park will become the central focal feature of the commercial district, repurposing an underutilized service lane into a public social space.

Hollywood Streetscape Branding along share use path

Project Team