WEDG (Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines) is a new rating system and set of guidelines developed by the Waterfront Alliance to address the complexities of waterfront design and the challenges of coastal flooding due to sea level rise and climate change. WEDG is the gold standard for waterfront resilience and risk reduction; it maximizes the benefits of ecology and access by inspiring innovation at the water’s edge.

In addition to project verification, WEDG offers the WEDG Associate credential. WEDG Professionals are resiliency experts across industries and disciplines educated in designing for sea level rise, equitable community development, and sustainable shoreline design. Floura Teeter is pleased to announce Zolna Russell, Megan Maffeo, and Joe Ignatius have taken the course and exam to become WEDG Associates. By achieving this new certification Zolna, Megan, and Joe have affirmed their commitment to the advancement of sustainable and equitable development.
In addition to EcoDistricts, SITES, and LEED certifications, the WEDG Associate certification adds to our sustainability and resiliency credentials. We look forward to applying WEDG guidelines on future projects.