Floura Teeter was selected by the EPA to provide design services for four communities, including Pittsburgh, PA, focusing on heat island mitigation and water quality improvement. In the 1960s, Route 65 divided two predominantly African American neighborhoods along the Ohio River, Manchester and Chateau. Manchester retains its historic charm with narrow streets, brick sidewalks, and residential homes, while Chateau evolved into an industrial hub with wide streets and heavy truck traffic.

The design process included a hands-on charrette, community engagement, and design reviews, resulting in an actionable plan for revitalization. When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down in-person meetings, the team adapted by creating a virtual media center to engage both the EPA and local residents, using social media and online tools to gather community feedback.

The design concepts focus on reconnecting Manchester and Chateau by revitalizing the underpass under Route 65 and activating Chateau Street with innovative pop-up parks. The underpass redesign enhances pedestrian access, extending Manchester’s iconic brick sidewalks with new plantings, lighting, and branding to link the two neighborhoods.
Chateau will see pop-up installations, including Trailer Park, featuring three mobile parks on flatbed trailers—food, performance, and gathering spaces. Activated on weekends, these pop-up parks provide amenities for residents and cyclists along the Ohio River bike trail. The mobile parks reflect Chateau’s industrial past and are stored away during weekdays for normal traffic flow.
Key unifying elements for the district include continuous brick sidewalks, bike lanes, street trees, improved lighting, site furnishings, and integrated stormwater management, all designed to seamlessly connect Manchester and Chateau and enhance the community’s experience.

This project prioritizes sustainable urban design, community engagement, and effective transportation solutions to revitalize Pittsburgh’s historic neighborhoods while improving environmental and social outcomes.
October 2021 Merit Award in General Design (Unbuilt), Greening America’s Communities – American Society of Landscape Architects Maryland Chapter