In support of Maryland’s Smart Growth Initiative, the Urban Reconstruction Program provides transportation funding for older neighborhoods to stimulate growth and investment. These projects involve accessibility, stormwater upgrades, and pedestrian safety. Floura Teeter provided landscape architectural services which incorporate these improvements for Keedysville’s Main Street.

Historic Features
Because of the town’s historic nature and unique existing conditions, some of which date back to the 1700s, developing an ADA compliant, pedestrian-friendly streetscape while respecting the historical context of the town, presented many challenges. Detailed existing conditions mapping, documentation, and preservation specifications were developed to ensure a streetscape that enriches the town’s diverse and historic character. Plantings complement individual properties and provide a sense of place for the community. Multiple community meetings and presentations were held during the design phase of the project to ensure that the project goals were met while respecting the historic character of this small town.
- MdQI Partnering Award – Project Under $5 million
- MdQI Modal Award – SHA Project Under $5 million