Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) P3 Blueprint Schools Phase I

Building Future-Ready Schools: Outdoor Learning, Community Spaces, and Stormwater Management

Prince George’s County, MD


Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS)


Stantec Architecture and Engineering, Gilbane Building


$485.8 million


Landscape Architecture, Community Engagement, Planting Design, Tree Preservation, Green Infrastructure Planting Design, Integrating Campus Connections, and Integrated Stormwater Management

Floura Teeter was the landscape architect for the construction of six new schools in Prince George’s County as part of Phase 1 of the Alternative Construction Financing (P3) package. The design team was challenged to find cost efficient solutions that could be applied to 6 varied sites that incorporated environmental education opportunities, stormwater infrastructure, and flexible gathering spaces. Site features include multi-purpose athletic fields, outdoor dining options, outdoor classrooms and teaching gardens, parking, bus drop off and circulation zones, and stormwater management.

The new schools include Drew-Freeman Middle School, Hyattsville Middle School, Kenmoor Middle School, Walker Mill Middle School, Sonia Sotomayor Middle School at Adelphi and Colin L. Powell K-8 Academy.

Drew-Freeman Middle School

Hyattsville Middle School

Sonia Sotomayor Middle School

Project Team