Roberta’s House is a community-based nonprofit grief center serving children and families who have experienced the death of a loved-one, often due to violence. Roberta’s House moved to a new 22,000 SF facility in 2021, located at the site of President and Co-Founder Annette March-Grier’s family-run funeral home on North Avenue in Baltimore City.

Floura Teeter provided design and community engagement services for the development of a rooftop healing garden and parklet for Roberta’s House. Floura Teeter partnered with Nature Sacred, a private-operating foundation that works to increase nearby nature in communities across the country. Floura Teeter, with the help of Firesoul Annette March-Grier, implemented Nature Sacred’s 5-step process to merge community input into a meaningful Sacred Place.
Floura Teeter organized and facilitated multiple community charettes to develop a vision statement and project goals and expectations. Through this important process, elements vital to volunteer and staff’s work with bereavement survivors were identified. The final design created a safe and inviting environment for garden, art and relaxation therapies. Sensory elements were provided through sound, texture and smell. Areas for group and solitary gathering were provided.