Floura Teeter led a team of engineers, landscape architects, surveyors, and environmental professionals to develop concept alignment options based on analysis of opportunities and constraints of existing conditions. The proposed 1.8-mile multi-modal circuit around the perimeter of the main campus abuts five different roadways each with unique conditions. Alignment options were sensitive to mitigating specific physical challenges while creating consistency in the overall design. In collaboration with Towson University, a preferred alignment was advanced through design development.

Multi-Modal Path
Creating a multi-modal circuit around the academic core of the campus, the pathway along York Road, Cross Campus Drive, Osler Drive, Towsontown Boulevard, and Burke Avenue provides a low-stress mobility corridor connecting Towson University with downtown Towson and surrounding neighborhoods. The new pathway will improve accessibility to businesses, homes, and workplaces for students and community members.
By promoting alternative transportation, this project supports the University’s Together Towson initiative through goals related to community wellness and by reducing carbon emissions.