Floura Teeter was contracted to be part of a multi-discipline team that studied and proposed multi-modal and pedestrian improvements along the York Road corridor. We started by taking inventory of existing pedestrian function, trees, planting, and placemaking opportunities. Floura Teeter conducted a series of community meetings to gauge community priorities and present potential improvements.

The changes proposed to York Road presented an opportunity to improve the pedestrian experience along the entire corridor, to support local businesses and to reduce car traffic by facilitating multi-modal travel. At a masterplan scale, we proposed a series of typologies that provides additional street trees, site furniture, lighting, bus stop improvements, and circulation improvements along the corridor. Additionally, we identified key areas that presented placemaking opportunities that were designed in more detail. We proposed design interventions that capitalize on a local community’s assets to create vibrant spaces that reflect community identity and are safe, connected, welcoming, authentic, and accessible.

Through the process, we produced several presentations with plans and renderings that reflect these design interventions. Reacting to community and stakeholder feedback, we refined the design study consolidated in a final report.